Hysterectomy Specialist

Gemini OBGYN

OB-GYNs located in Pembroke Pines, FL & Weston, FL

The decision to have a hysterectomy is never easy. Once done as a catch-all treatment for a wide range of women’s health issues, hysterectomy is now considered only for specific conditions and there are more surgical options. The doctors at Gemini OBGYN, in Pembroke Pines and Weston, Florida, recommend hysterectomy only when it’s the appropriate treatment. Call today for a consultation to discuss your options.

Hysterectomy Q & A

Why are hysterectomies needed?

There are several conditions and situations where the uterus becomes a liability to a woman’s health. Some of these conditions include:

  •         Cancer of the uterus or cervix
  •         Fibroids: Benign uterine tumors that may cause bleeding, bladder pressure, and anemia
  •         Endometriosis: When inner uterine tissue grows outside the uterus
  •         Prolapse: when the uterus starts to descend into the vagina due to the failure of connective tissue
  •         Vaginal bleeding: when menstrual flow becomes abnormal and extended
  •         Chronic pelvic pain: hysterectomy is occasionally a last resort treatment for this condition

Since hysterectomies end a woman’s ability to bear children, the procedure is usually avoided if the patient has alternatives.

What types of hysterectomies are there?

A hysterectomy targets some or all a woman’s reproductive organs. A total hysterectomy removes the uterus and cervix, but leaves the fallopian tubes and ovaries intact, so much of the body’s natural hormonal production continues. A partial hysterectomy leaves the cervix intact, if there is no reason to remove it.

There are situations where the ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed along with the uterus. Hysterectomies can be performed either abdominally or vaginally.

How are hysterectomies performed?

Abdominal hysterectomies may be performed conventionally through regular abdominal incisions or by using laparoscopic techniques, which use much smaller incisions. Laparoscopic hysterectomies, being less invasive, typically feature shorter recovery times.

Vaginal hysterectomies usually feature lower costs, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery time. Vaginal hysterectomy may not be an option for a patient showing an enlarged uterus.  

Depending on the condition being treated, all or only part of the uterus may be removed. Sometimes, the cervix is left intact. Whenever possible, leaving the ovaries and fallopian tubes minimizes the hormonal impact of hysterectomy, but in certain cases, these must also be removed along with the uterus.

Major Commercial Insurance Plans Accepted

At Gemini OBGYN, we accept most commercial insurances plans. Here is a short-list of just some of the most popular plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed.

Memorial Care
United Healthcare
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