STD Testing Specialist

Gemini OBGYN

OB-GYNs located in Pembroke Pines, FL & Weston, FL

Sexually transmitted diseases often remain dormant in hosts for years, so it’s possible to pass on the infection while never engaging in high-risk behavior. The health care professionals at Gemini OBGYN in Pembroke Pines and Weston, Florida, provide effective and discrete STD screening with a 3-day turnaround. If you’ve ever wondered, it’s time to make an appointment.

STD Testing Q & A

Is STD screening done during routine exams, such as Pap smears and blood tests?

Unless there are active symptoms that may stem from an STD, you’re probably not receiving any screening. If you feel you need these tests, request these from your Gemini OBGYN caregiver. The type of screening you need depends on things such as age, sexual behavior, and other factors. The risk for various types of STDs changes depending on demographics and lifestyles.

Which STDs should I be tested for?

Chlamydia and gonorrhea testing should be done annually if you’re a sexually active woman under the age of 25. If you’re over 25, then these tests are only necessary if you’re engaged in elevated risk activities, such as with a new partner or with multiple partners. If your partner is a man who has had same-sex experiences, these tests are also advised.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention encourages testing at least once for everyone between 15 and 65. High risk groups should be tested annually while actively involved in high-risk activities.

Hepatitis screening clears patients for vaccination for hepatitis A and B. People born between 1945 and 1965 should be tested for hepatitis C, since it’s high in that group and rarely shows symptoms until late stages. HIV and hepatitis are diagnosed by way of a blood sample.

Syphilis screening is recommended when you test positive for other STDs, have multiple partners, use intravenous drugs, or are pregnant or planning to be. Syphilis can be diagnosed through a blood test or a swab from genital sores, if these are present.

How is herpes screened?

There’s no reliable screening for herpes, which is a viral infection that may be passed on even if a person shows no symptoms. Testing tissue samples or culturing blister or ulcers may diagnose the infection, but even then, a negative result doesn’t rule out herpes. Blood tests may detect the condition, but these aren’t always reliable, since both false-positive and false-negative results are possible.

Major Commercial Insurance Plans Accepted

At Gemini OBGYN, we accept most commercial insurances plans. Here is a short-list of just some of the most popular plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed.

Memorial Care
United Healthcare
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